Post It Post #6

Not every Post It drawing I do is a finished drawing in it’s self…sometimes it’s merely just a concept sketch for another drawing.  Such is the case with the Post It Post today.  I did an “Artzee Fartzee” drawing of my friend Samantha as a Christmas present last year.  She never said it, but I had known for some time that she’d been secretly wishing that I’d “Artzee Fartzeefy” her.  Knowing that she had been harboring this deep seeded desire, I finally went about the process of sketching out a concept.  I’d the best intentions of doing so for some time but like most things with me…I plan on getting around to it…at some point but something or other comes around and then my attentions shift.  Anyway…what was I talking about?

So above is the concept sketch that I doodled out on my trusty yellow Post It, followed by the final 8″x10″ drawing that I did. Not much changed from the concept to final. I tend to work pretty tight. Often you lose the feeling of the initial sketch when you enlarge a sketch merely by eye balling it. If I really like a thumbnail sketch that I’ve done, I tend to scan it, blow it up, and use it for the exact placement. I trace the main figures and elements in a drawing with tracing paper and transfer it to what ever drawing surface that I’m going to be working on. All the details and finished drawing are then done by hand and finished off that way.  The tracing paper is only used to capture the layout that was established in the thumbnail drawing. I had originally intended to color it in color pencil and watercolor but time ran out. I finished the drawing the night before I gave it to her. That tends to be a running theme with me.

For the most part, all of my “Artzee Fartzee” drawing are based of of my family or friends.  In future posts, I’ll show you some more.

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4 Responses to Post It Post #6

  1. Melissa says:

    Very cool! I want a sketch! How can I get one?

  2. grzych says:

    If you’d like to commission me to do an “Artzee Fartzee” drawing of you or for someone else, feel free to contact me at and we can discuss specifics. I would need a few good photos e-mailed to me of the individual being drawn, at least one front view and one side view. SO drop me a line and we will talk.

  3. Samantha says:

    Troy, you definitely know how to capture the essence of a person in your Artzee Fartzee drawings. Your drawing is the topic of conversation at my house. Everyone who sees it thinks it’s amazing!
    I’m so glad you made this one of me! 🙂

  4. grzych says:

    I was happy to do the drawing for you Sam, sorry it took so long to finally “Artzee Fartzeefy” you. I’m also glad that people are conversing in your house about my art…it’s very similar to my household, were I stare at a drawing I’ve done and converse with myself.

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