Why can’t making a living be as easy as twisting off the top of a jar of Jalapenos and downing them down by the spoonfuls? How come one can’t earn bank by drinking gallons of Tabasco Sauce and chasing it back with a shot or two of Salsa? The answer…nothings that easy!
Unfortunately, money just doesn’t rain down on us like hail in a thunderstorm…you either inherit it if you’re lucky or in most cases, you have to work for it. It’s the same story with us Graphic Designer/Illustrators…so, if any of you out there reading this would like to hire a very talented, extremely easy going, creative individual, with a kick ass portfolio and resume, either in a full-time or freelance position…drop me a line, we’ll gab and see what I can do for you.
“Artzee Fartzee” Post It Post will be back after these messages!