Flux Capacitor

“No, wait! Doc. Doc. The-the-the bruise – the bruise on your head. I know how that happened! You told me the whole story. You were standing on your toilet, and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink. And that’s when you came up with the idea for the Flux Capacitor…which… is what makes time travel possible. “

As I most likely mentioned here countless times and as every single one of my friends and family will confirm…I’m a hugh fan of a little 80’s flick titled “Back To The Future.” When I was a kid, I wanted to be Marty McFly…at certain times…I still do. I wanna zip around in my DeLorean time machine, evade Biff’s descendants on Mattel Hoverboards, and play “Johnny B. Goode” at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. I’ve always be pretty hard pressed to pick a favorite movie. When people ask, I tend to rattle off a list as long as my arm and then add an Et cetera at the end to show that the list continues on for infinity. However, when push comes to shove, the Adventures of Marty and his faithful companion Dr. Emmett Brown…would definitely be at the top of that list.

With that said…

I want a DeLorean Time Machine…it is my dream car…not just a DeLorean but the actual one from the end of the first movie with the Flux Capacitor, Time Circuits, and of course absolutely…a Mr. Fusion…’cause who wants to get trapped in the past with out the ability to travel back home to your own time. Getting one’s hands on 1.21 Gigawatts is pretty damn difficult…watch the movie…you’ll see. So, if I can’t somehow own the original prop vechile, or reconstruct a replica like so many out there do, then at least I could own the device that makes time travel possible…the Flux Capacitor. I spotted on the Internet that Diamond Select Toys has produced an extremely detailed prop replica of the Flux Capacitor for you to power your own Time Machine. I guess Time Travel is finally possible for everyone who can afford it. So today’s Post It Post drawings were inspired by exactly that, my desire that one day my sweet Fluxie…you will be mine!

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