Post It Post #2

As promised, I’m back with another Post It Post.

Again, below are two more drawings that I did as boredom took over at the 9 to 5. Of course no one knew that I was sketching these “Artzee Fartzee” tidbits.  How would that look to the boss, doodling when I should be putting the nose to the grind stone and churning out designs for the man. Out of necessity I had to become inventive hiding the Post It’s from view as I put the final touches on them. At the slightest sound of being discovered, I flipped them, folded them, cover them…rolled them up like sushi, swallowed, and regurgitated them at a later date when no one was looking. Okay, I never ate them, but had I, they sure would have been tasty. Actually, my favorite hideaway was underneath my WACOM pad.


First there’s “Troy Meets ET,” where Troy…meets…ah, ET…nuff said. I had this ET statue in my office at the time that a friend had given me as a gift. When you pressed a button, it would play the movie’s theme song and then ET would chime in with one of his catch phrases. It was pretty loud, and I couldn’t always understand what the little alien bugger was saying, but it was definitely a pretty cool gift.  

I had wanted to draw a skull in my style for some time, and that’s where “Hamlet Troy” was born from. As for the acting thing, I love Jon Lovitz’s thespian character on SNL, so his attitude was definitely on my mind when I was doodling this one up.

So thus concluded this addition of my Post It Post.  

If there’s anything that you’d specifically like to see doodled as a Post It, feel free to drop me a line and I might include it in a future Post It Post.

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